“The smallest morsel of the blessing (the Eucharist) mingles with our whole body and fills us with its powerful effect. Thus, Christ came to be in us and we also abide in Him.” ~ St. Cyril the Great #abide #eucharist #communion #dailyreadings #lent #coptic #orthodox
“Let us glorify God, not by our faith alone, but also by our life, since otherwise it would not be glory, but blasphemy.” – St. John Chrysostom #pentecost #dailyreading #christian #communion #coptic #copticchurch
“You are filled and you are empty. Fill your empty neighbour from your fullness, so that your emptiness may be filled from God’s fullness.” – St. Augustine #lent #filled #coptic #copticorthodox #dailyreadings#communion
“The Son only and truly is the bread of life. Those who have communion in Him once and are combined with Him in some manner through their communion with Him are shown to be above the bonds of death itself.” – St. Cyril the Great #breadoflife #communion #victory #ChristIsRisen #TrulyHeIsRisen #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials…” – James 1:2 . “Without entering into temptations, no man will ever gain the wisdom of the Spirit… If the soul does not taste Christ’s sufferings consciously, she will never have communion with Him.” – St. Isaac the Syrian #countitalljoy #trials #temptations #shareinhissufferings …