“Seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand.” – Saint Augustine . “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” – St. Augustine . . “God’s power is able to perform wonders with you, but it awaits …
“Because rapture in God is insatiable, the extent of one’s savoring it and partaking of spiritual blessings is the measure by which the hunger for it is increased. Such people have a fervent and unstoppable love for God.” – St Macarius the Great . . “He thirsts for your thirst, and satisfies all who wish …
‘“Love unites us with God, for love covers a multitude of sins76.” This love stems from reflecting on the Day of Judgment. God never forgets a labor of love, even a cup of cold water, and He does not forget its reward. When we lift our eyes to the Day of Judgment, we desire to …
“By Scripture we may disprove what is false, be corrected, be brought to a right understanding, and be comforted and consoled.” – St. John Chrysostom #Scripture #HolySpirit #Truth #Coptic #Orthodox #DailyReadings #ChurchFathers
“We will reach the true peace when our nature cleaves to its Creator, thus we have no inner conflict.” – St Augustine ‘The apostle does not mean that the Lord does not look at evildoers or listen to their prayers; instead, he means that He does not answer them. The goal of the believer is …