Pray simply. Do not expect to find in your heart any remarkable gift of prayer. Consider yourself unworthy of it. Then you will find peace. Use the empty, cold dryness of your prayer as food for your humility. Repeat constantly, “I am not worthy. Lord, I am not worthy!” But say it calmly, without agitation. …
“Some people read books in order to find God. Yet there is a great book, the very appearance of created things. Look above you, look below you! Note it, read it! God whom you wish to find, never wrote that book with ink. Instead, He set before your eyes the things that He made. Can …
“The more we contemplate about the Cross, the greater our unity with and the deeper our knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ becomes.”~ Father Pishoy Kamel #copticorthodox #churchfathers #coptic #dailyreadings #faith #orthodox #orthodoxy #cross #sonsofgod
“It is those lacking endurance who, in their ignorance, impetuously hurry on to seize what they have not yet been given, failing to realize that “one day in the eyes of the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a single day” (Psalm 90:4). But he, who by enduring patiently has …