‘ ‘ It is what you must expect and be ready to receive with patience, and even with joy, when you suffer as Christ did before you, and for his sake: this is the way to eternal happiness in heaven.’ – George Leo Haydock #orthodoxy #churchfathers #church #coptic
‘He therefore is reproving those who, pursuing an ostentation of useless scrupulosity, neglected the discharge of useful morality. For it is the inside of the cup that is used; if that be foul, what profit is it to cleanse the outside? And therefore what is needed is purity of the inner conscience, that those things …
He provides that they should be one. For all who believe through the Apostles are one, though some from among them were torn away. Nor did this escape His knowledge, He even foretold it, and showed that it proceeded from men’s slack-mindedness. – St. John Chysostom #orthodoxy #churchfathers #lent #holyweek
‘Prayer is the bridge that links man to God. Its not just words, but a relationship with God, with your heart and with your thoughts’- His Holiness Pope Shenouda lll #churchfathers #prayer #orthodox
‘A humble man is never rash, hasty or perturbed, never has any hot and volatile thoughts, but at all times remains calm. Even if heaven were to fall and cleave to the earth, the humble man would not be dismayed. Not every quiet man is humble, but every humble man is quiet. There is no …