“The greater the love of God that the saints possess, the more they endure all things for Him.” – St. Augustine of Hippo #love #lovebelieves #loveendures #lovehopes #lovebears #ChristIsRisen #TrulyHeIsRisen #Holy50 #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“Christ refers to His family, that He will prefer the church that believed in Him more than the Jews from whom Christ came according to the body.” – St. Ambrose #beadoeroftheword #familyofChrist #ChristIsRisen #TrulyHeIsRisen #holy50 #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“We believers in Christ, having been gathered from the Gentiles, had been taken captive by the devil, though we were creatures of God. We were sold out to the demonic powers. Into this circumstance our Lord Jesus Christ came bearing the baggage of captivity, as Ezekiel says, and, covering his head so that his adversaries …
“Amazing! Look again, whither He has raised the Church. As though He were lifting it up by some engine, He has raised it up to a vast height, and set it on yonder throne; for where the Head is, there is the body also. There is no interval of separation between the Head and the …