“She was the only one to be called ‘blessed art thou among women’, for she alone has obtained the blessing that belonged to no one but her, for she was filled with the gifts of grace.” St Ambrose #annunciation #StMary ##IncarnationoftheWord #ArchangelGabriel #kiahk #SundayGospel #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“I personally believe that John’s mystery can still be fulfilled up to this day: For man can believe in Jesus Christ, if he has John’s spirit and his strength in himself, so he prepares a perfect congregation to the Lord. Also if he has the toughness and goes through the narrow gate. Up till today, …
“For with God nothing will be impossible.” – Luke 1:37 . “In the life with God, there is nothing that is impossible; there is hope whatever the sin, whatever the hardship, and however difficult the matter may seem.” – H.H. Pope Shenouda III #nothingisimpossiblewithGod #annunciation #stmary #archangelgabriel #trustinGod #faith #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox