Do not covet a life, that is free of afflictions; as that, is not for your own good. – St John Chrysostom . . #goldisrefinedbyfire #afflictions #tribulations #dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy #orthodox
“Does the psalmist say: ‘If the Christians become righteous, and listen to my words, they will not suffer tribulations?’ … No, that is not his promise; but actually, the wicked may suffer less tribulations; while the righteous may suffer more of them. But the former, passing through less tribulations, or no tribulation at all, will …
“Let us seek to discover the things of heaven through the sweat of our efforts, rather than by mere talk, for at the hour of death it is deeds, not words, that must be displayed.” Saint John Climacus #watchfulness #endurance #afflictions #evangelism #ministry #faithfulness #FastoftheApostles #fasting #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“Christians have a glory and a beauty and a heavenly wealth which is beyond words, and it is won with pains, and sweat, and trials, and many conflicts, and all by the grace of God.” St Macarius the Great #deliverance #afflictions #ApostlesFast #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“Lord, remember David and all his afflictions” – Psalm 131 (132):1 . “How compassionate was his spirit! He was truly justified, as it came in his psalm: “Lord, Remember David and all his meekness” Let us follow his lead; … Let us utter no word against our adversary, nor do him evil, but present to …