“For the soul that is privileged to be in communion with the Spirit of His light, and is irradiated by the beauty of the unspeakable glory of Him who has prepared her to be a seat and a dwelling for Himself, becomes all light, all face, all eye; and there is no part of her …
Pierce our souls with Your love, that ever contemplating You, being enlightened by You, and discerning You, the unapproachable and everlasting Light, we may unceasingly render confession and gratitude to You: The eternal Father, with Your Only-Begotten Son, and with Your All-Holy, Gracious, and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. …
The sinner follows another path, not God’s path. The sinner has cut himself off from God through his behaviour, his manner and his will. His will has become something other than God’s will. He begins to want what God does not want. He becomes a person who challenges God fearlessly and breaks His commandments. In …
“Nothing that has been created has been made without Him; for He is the life that made the creation possible.” – St. Hilary Bishop of Poitier . #AbideInHim #Desires #HisWill