Always Remember…
As we begin a New Year, here are some simple meditations to keep before our eyes and reflect upon in our hearts at all times.
Remember your weakness, then you will be more cautious and you will not submit to the thoughts of pride and false glory which may attack you.
Remember the loving kindness of the Lord bestowed on you and you will always lead a life of thanksgiving. Faith will grow in your heart as well as trust in God’s love and work. Your past experiences with God would encourage you in the life of faith.
Remember people’s love and their past good experiences with you. Should you doubt their sincerity or find out they have wronged you, their old love will intercede and your anger will fade away.
Remember death, so all worldly temptations will disappear and you feel that, “all is vanity and grasping for the wind. ” (Eccl. 1:14).
Remember that you are standing before God and He is looking at you, then you cannot sin because you see Him.
Remember God’s promises and you will be comforted in all your troubles. But if you forget them, say with David the Prophet, “Remember Your word to Your servant, upon which You have caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction. For Your word has given me life.” (Ps. 119:49-50).
Remember the Blood of Jesus which was shed for your sake and you will definitely know the value of your life; it becomes dear in your eyes, so you will not waste it with prodigal living, “for you were bought at a price.” (1 Cor. 6:20).
Remember the vows you made to God at the Baptistery which your parents undertook on your behalf: to renounce the devil, all his evil deeds, all his thoughts and wiles, all his forces and power.
Remember always that you are a stranger on the earth and that you will return to your heavenly home. Then you will not put all your hopes in this world and its comforts.
Remember that the narrow gate leads to the kingdom of heaven. If you see the wide gate open before you, escape and keep away from it. As all those who went into it perished.
Remember your eternity and work for it at all times.
Remember that you are a child of God and ought to have His image. You walk as befits the Children of God, for they are apparent.
Remember that you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God in you and always be a holy temple.
Remember all that I said to you and if you have already forgotten, please read it over again.