“The perfect person is the one who thinks continually of others, and loving others, and the good of others, and the eternal life of others, and the sanctity of others. As for his self, he places her last of all, or as the servant of all… he does not compete with others; God’s way is wide enough to take everyone. He feels deep happiness whenever he makes someone happy; he finds his happiness in making others happy, his rest in giving others rest. He finds in these his true self, not his personal self. He rejoices at others’ joy even if pain surrounds him on every side, and if they are afflicted with pain, he will not rest even if the means of rest are at his feet.” – H.H Pope Shenouda lll . . #loveothers #loveGodinothers #coptic #copticorthodox #dailyreadings #orthodoxy
“The perfect person is the one who thinks continually of others, and loving others, and the good of others, and the eternal life of others, and the sanctity of others. As for his self, he places her last of all, or as the servant of all… he does not compete with others; God’s way is wide enough to take everyone. He feels deep happiness whenever he makes someone happy; he finds his happiness in making others happy, his rest in giving others rest. He finds in these his true self, not his personal self. He rejoices at others’ joy even if pain surrounds him on every side, and if they are afflicted with pain, he will not rest even if the means of rest are at his feet.” – H.H Pope Shenouda lll
#loveothers #loveGodinothers #coptic #copticorthodox #dailyreadings #orthodoxy