Satan plotted not to draw us away from the blessings that we have but to draw us even to a much steeper rocky pitfall But Gods providence did not fail to care for humanity. He showed to Satan how foolish he is in his attempts. He demonstrated to man how great is Gods care for him as through His death man was granted eternal life. Satan drew man out of paradise but God led him to heaven; and Benefit became far greater than loss. -St. John Chrysostom . . #Godisourhelp #Heturnseverythingforourbenef

Satan plotted not to draw us away from the blessings that we have but to draw us even to a much steeper rocky pitfall But Gods providence did not fail to care for humanity. He showed to Satan how foolish he is in his attempts. He demonstrated to man how great is Gods care for him as through His death man was granted eternal life. Satan drew man out of paradise but God led him to heaven; and Benefit became far greater than loss. -St. John Chrysostom . . #Godisourhelp #Heturnseverythingforourbenef
