“Putting aside all unbelief, consider how valuable you are. How can our Redeemer despise any person when he cannot despise a hair of that person‘s head? How are we going to doubt that he intends to give eternal life to our soul and body? He took on a soul and body in which to die for us, which he laid down for us when he died and which he took up again that we might not fear death.” ~ St. Augustine #notahairshallbelost #nofear #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #apostlesfast
“Putting aside all unbelief, consider how valuable you are. How can our Redeemer despise any person when he cannot despise a hair of that person‘s head? How are we going to doubt that he intends to give eternal life to our soul and body? He took on a soul and body in which to die for us, which he laid down for us when he died and which he took up again that we might not fear death.” ~ St. Augustine
#notahairshallbelost #nofear #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #apostlesfast