“If you have lost hope in yourself, the Lord has not lost hope in your salvation. He has saved many and you are not more difficult than all of them. When grace works in you, there is no room for despair. Enter into repentance with a courageous heart and do not belittle yourself.” Pope Shenouda III #Healingofparalytic #Bethesda #hope #salvation #repentance #fifthSundayofLent #Lent #fasting #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“If you have lost hope in yourself, the Lord has not lost hope in your salvation.
He has saved many and you are not more difficult than all of them. When grace works in you, there is no room for despair.
Enter into repentance with a courageous heart and do not belittle yourself.”
Pope Shenouda III
#Healingofparalytic #Bethesda #hope #salvation #repentance #fifthSundayofLent #Lent #fasting #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox