However great, deep, and strong are our troubles,God’s mercies will remain higher, greater, and deeper. They grant hope for everyone wherever he is, and however great his sins are, or however intense his inner and outer tribulations are. – Fr Tadros Malaty
#dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy #difficulties #godupholds #godsupports #goddefends
However great, deep, and strong are our troubles,God’s mercies will remain higher, greater, and deeper. They grant hope for everyone wherever he is, and however great his sins are, or however intense his inner and outer tribulations are. – Fr Tadros Malaty
#dailyreadings #copticorthodox #orthodoxy #difficulties #godupholds #godsupports #goddefends
copticorthodox dailyreadings difficulties goddefends godsupports godupholds orthodoxy