For of the believer he says that he shall have everlasting life of the unbeliever the word hath a different significance. For he does not say that he shall not have life: for he shall be raised by the common law of the resurrection; but he says that he shall not see life that is he shall not so much as arrive at the bare sight of the life of the saints he shall not touch their blessedness he shall remain untasting of their life passed in bliss. For that is indeed life. St. Cyril of Alexandria

For of the believer he says that he shall have everlasting life of the unbeliever the word hath a different significance. For he does not say that he shall not have life: for he shall be raised by the common law of the resurrection; but he says that he shall not see life that is he shall not so much as arrive at the bare sight of the life of the saints he shall not touch their blessedness he shall remain untasting of their life passed in bliss. For that is indeed life. St. Cyril of Alexandria
