Does He say “Therefore let Christians be righteous therefore let them hear My Word that they may suffer no tribulation? He promises not this; but says “Many are the troubles of the righteous.” Rather if they be unrighteous they have fewer troubles if righteous they have many. But after few tribulations or none these shall come to tribulation everlasting when they shall never be delivered: but the righteous after many tribulations shall come to peace everlasting where they shall never suffer any

Does He say “Therefore let Christians be righteous therefore let them hear My Word that they may suffer no tribulation? He promises not this; but says “Many are the troubles of the righteous.” Rather if they be unrighteous they have fewer troubles if righteous they have many. But after few tribulations or none these shall come to tribulation everlasting when they shall never be delivered: but the righteous after many tribulations shall come to peace everlasting where they shall never suffer any
