Death is an intruder into humanity. When God created man, He created him for life. He breathed in his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. God willed life and immortality for man. But when man’s freedom deviated towards sin, he brought death upon himself, because ‘the wages of sin is death’ (Rom.6:23). Thus death entered into the world, and all die. For this reason, the Resurrection rejoices us, for it is victory over death and the returning of life to man’s nature once more Pope Shenouda lll . . #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #resurrection #joy #victory #ohdeathwhereisyoursting #eternallife #orthodoxy #holy50days
Death is an intruder into humanity. When God created man, He created him for life. He breathed in his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. God willed life and
immortality for man. But when man’s freedom deviated towards sin, he brought death upon himself, because ‘the wages of sin is death’ (Rom.6:23). Thus death entered into the world, and all die. For this reason, the Resurrection rejoices us, for it is victory over death and the returning of life to man’s nature once more
Pope Shenouda lll
#dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #resurrection #joy #victory #ohdeathwhereisyoursting #eternallife #orthodoxy #holy50days