Christstands everydayatthedoor ofour heart longingtoenter. Letus openour heartwide toHim so thatHeenters andbecomes our guest dwellinus and dinewithus – St Jerome . . The disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit (Acts13.52). Therefore it is fitting for us to open the door for the work of the Holy Spirit to receive the leadership of the heart of the mind and of all feelings to reign inside and no one but God the Holy Trinity would have a place in us. – Fr Tadros Malaty . . #thehea

Christstands everydayatthedoor ofour heart longingtoenter. Letus openour heartwide toHim so thatHeenters andbecomes our guest dwellinus and dinewithus – St Jerome . . The disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit (Acts13.52). Therefore it is fitting for us to open the door for the work of the Holy Spirit to receive the leadership of the heart of the mind and of all feelings to reign inside and no one but God the Holy Trinity would have a place in us. – Fr Tadros Malaty . . #thehea
