By enduring the present afflictions with courage while having no experience God will grant you the possibility to endure any thing that God forbids — would probably happen against your will. Therefore if you seek heaven and [your] concern [is] the life to come nothing would ever harm you. Even the hosts of darkness (the devils) themselves would never be able to harm us unless we harm ourselves by ourselves; even though our body be torn to pieces that would mean nothing to us as long as our Spirit is sound. St. John Chrysostom #faith #endurance #testedbyfire #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

By enduring the present afflictions with courage while having no experience God will grant you the possibility to endure any thing that God forbids — would probably happen against your will. Therefore if you seek heaven and [your] concern [is] the life to come nothing would ever harm you. Even the hosts of darkness (the devils) themselves would never be able to harm us unless we harm ourselves by ourselves; even though our body be torn to pieces that would mean nothing to us as long as our Spirit is sound. St. John Chrysostom #faith #endurance #testedbyfire #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
