“Before mercy, the doors of the heavens are open in a great guarantee. As a queen she goes in, and none of the guards dare ask her who she is, but everyone welcomes her at once. Likewise is the state of mercy. For real, she is a real queen that makes humans like God. It has wings and is light; it has golden wings with which it flies and makes the angels very joyful.” St. John Chrysostom #love #loveyourenemies #dogood #give #lend #hopingfornothinginreturn #mercy #bemerciful #heavenlyreward #sonsoftheMostHigh #ApostlesFast #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“Before mercy, the doors of the heavens are open in a great guarantee. As a queen she goes in, and none of the guards dare ask her who she is, but everyone welcomes her at once.
Likewise is the state of mercy. For real, she is a real queen that makes humans like God. It has wings and is light; it has golden wings with which it flies and makes the angels very joyful.”
St. John Chrysostom
#love #loveyourenemies #dogood #give #lend #hopingfornothinginreturn #mercy #bemerciful #heavenlyreward #sonsoftheMostHigh #ApostlesFast #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox