“And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts” 2 Peter 1:19 .
“My God you are my light, open my eyes to see Your divine beauty. I cannot walk on my way without falling into the traps of the enemy. What is my light but You my God! You are a light to the children of the light! Your day does not have a sunset. Your day gives light to your children that they might not stumble down. But those who are away from You walk and live in darkness! Let us then get closer to You who are the light of the world. Why do we have to try getting away from you everyday?! Anyone who keeps His distance from You, the true light goes deeper into the darkness of sin. And when darkness envelopes him he would not be able to distinguish the traps set up for him, all along the road” St Augustine