“As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me.” John 6:57 . “Receive daily what profits you daily. So live, that each day you may be worthy to receive (the Holy Mysteries); he who is not worthy to receive each day is not worthy to receive after a year. The saintly Job each day offered sacrifice for his children, lest they should have sinned in their heart or by word. Let you understand, therefore, that as often as the Sacrifice is offered, the death of the Lord, the Resurrection of the Lord, the Ascension of the Lord is signified, and likewise the forgiveness of sins, and that this Bread which you receive is the Bread of eternal life, not daily bread. He that has a sickness needs medicine. It is a sickness that we are subject to sin. The medicine is the heavenly and venerable Sacrament.” St. Ambrose of Milan