Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sin – Proverbs 10:12 . . . “Let nobody imagine that he is offering forgiveness to others when he says: ‘Father forgive them.’ He is actually acquiring forgiveness for himself. For it is the prerequisite of getting forgiveness for yourself to forgive others. “Forgive and you will be forgiven” Luke 6:37… you are better off, if your forgiveness- as it is the case with Christ- is based on love, not being an obligation for obtaining forgiveness for yourself… probably this forgiveness to others would annoy you inwardly… how can I forgive that person who annoyed, aggrevated and humiliated me? I should tell you: just endure and be patient… and I repeat: let your forgiveness be for love and not necessity… you may say ‘how can I forgive them for all they did to me? Is it not enough that I am keeping my peace and not returning evil for evil? No my dear, this peace is not enough, you have to overcome your inner feelings and forgive willingly. When you have won the battle within yourself, and forgiven for love, you will have ascended the Cross” Pope Shenouda