If you doubt God’s care ask the earth, the heaven, the sun, and the moon; ask the dumb creatures and the plants… ask the rocks, the mountains, the sand dunes, and hills; ask the day and night. God’s care is much more clear than the sun and its rays. Everywhere, in the wilderness and the inhabited cities, on earth and in the sea…. wherever you go, you will hear a testimony of that exalted care- St. John Chrysostom . . #Godscare #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
If you doubt God’s care ask the earth, the heaven, the sun, and the moon; ask the dumb creatures and the plants… ask the rocks, the mountains, the sand dunes, and hills; ask the day and night. God’s care is much more clear than the sun and its rays. Everywhere, in the wilderness and the inhabited cities, on earth and in the sea…. wherever you go, you will hear a testimony of that exalted care- St. John Chrysostom .
#Godscare #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox