‘Abundant talk is the throne of bragging. From this throne, the love of the ego and pride appears. Abundant talk is a sign of ignorance, which leads to foolish laugh, coarse jesting, lying and hypocrisy. It leads to sleep and lack of concentration in memory. It cools the heat of spirituality and makes our prayers lukewarm and not fervent’ . St. John Climacus #orthodox #churchfathers #coptic #lent

‘Abundant talk is the throne of bragging. From this throne, the love of the ego and pride appears. Abundant talk is a sign of ignorance, which leads to foolish laugh, coarse jesting, lying and hypocrisy. It leads to sleep and lack of concentration in memory. It cools the heat of spirituality and makes our prayers lukewarm and not fervent’ . St. John Climacus #orthodox #churchfathers #coptic #lent


‘Abundant talk is the throne of bragging. From this throne, the love of the ego and pride appears. Abundant talk is a sign of ignorance, which leads to foolish laugh, coarse jesting, lying and hypocrisy. It leads to sleep and lack of concentration in memory. It cools the heat of spirituality and makes our prayers lukewarm and not fervent’ . St. John Climacus #orthodox #churchfathers #coptic #lent