Ordination of Fr. David Zeitoune
With great joy, the Diocese announces the ordination of a new priest on Sunday 13th January 2019 to serve in the Diocese.
Deacon David was ordained as Fr. David at St. Mary & St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Centre in Birmingham through the laying of hands by His Grace Bishop Missael.
The joint service was attended by the congregations of St. Mary & Archangel Michael in Solihull and those of St. Mary & St. Abu-Sefein of the Coptic Centre.
His Grace said, “Fr. David’s prime service will be focused on the youth, as they are the future of the church.”
Fr. David will now retreat for his 40 days of fasting and preparation for the service.
We pray that the Lord may grant the new presbyter the gift of the Holy Spirit and bless his service for many years.