Facing Goliath Youth Conference, 2011
On the weekend of 2nd-4th December, youth from all over the Diocese gathered in Lichfield near Birmingham to listen to His Grace Bishop Paul from Africa talk about “Facing Goliath”. One of my personal highlights of the conference was when His Grace talked about what was keeping us away from God. what are the enemies to our spiritual life? Worry, lust, laziness, love for family / friends (before God), money, fear, struggling to do spiritual things, lack of time, we’re shallow and can’t go deep enough to experience Jesus and we get distracted. How do we overcome this? The answer is simple: never sacrifice your personal time with Christ i.e. quiet time. Otherwise, this would mean we’re spiritually dead.
The conference atmosphere was great, the fellowship between each other was truly inspiring and the united prayers and praising of God was simply awesome! Some youth during this conference were inspired to start groups to stay in touch with each other but primarily to encourage one another spiritually.