Category: Spiritual Articles

38 Is the Body Your Enemy?

Look at how many times your body’s desire fought you? How many times did it actually cause you to fall? …

39 Do Not Give In to Lusts

Resist your unorganized lusts, and do not follow your instinct, which seems to be attractive and good at first. Control …

40 Diagnosing the Impurity of Sin and Its Effect on Human Nature

Sin is trespassing. It is an ethical disease and an evil spiritual habit, which tears apart the spirit, and your …

41 Opposing Sin and Declaring War Against It

Sin extended its roots, and controlled the soul, and yet grace overshadows the soul, and its dawn is still lighting …

42 Life is a Continuous Struggle!

Man’s life is full of spiritual struggle, and psychological strive, never enough and never ends. For the flesh is still …