Category: Spiritual Articles

33 Looking at the Conduct of the Saints and Imitating Them

It is beneficial to look at the conduct of the saints to grow in grace and progress in perfection, as they led the way of virtue. And as the poor knows the truth of his situation when he looks at a rich one, thus is the soul when it looks at the treasure of grace …

34 Examining and Preserving Your Self and Conscience

Be like a smart merchant who audits his books and by the end of the day he knows what he gained or lost. Search yourself and examine your conscience and heart very carefully to know if you are progressing or retreating. This is the right way to keep your peace for yourself and maintain your …

35 Working and Not Being Lazy

Avoid idleness, and flee from laziness, for laziness is a laboratory for the devil. Make every effort and be hard working, so when your enemy attacks you, he will find you busy away from him, not finding room for him in your heart. Being idle is fatal venom; it is the moth for virtue, and …

36 Self-Control and Restraining Lusts

No matter how valuable and perfect virtue is, it is difficult for its seeker to victor, unless he can conquer the fleshly desires and restrain its lusts. By nature, we are born with an inclination to sin, and our desires and lusts fight us daily, and our ego feeds these lusts and desires. “For the …

37 Conquering One’s Ego Promotes the Soul to a Higher Level of Spirituality

The soul rejoices, knowing that it progresses to spirituality. But man’s will is weak and the body prevents the spirit from ascending to spirituality. If you subdued your will, quieted your ego, and trained yourself to be guided by God, you have achieved freedom and conquered your desires and lusts, which are alien to you. …