Category: Spiritual Articles

Beware of False Humility

Humility is a living virtue that we must cultivate in our daily spiritual life. Many times, we practice a false humility, where we openly humble ourselves to gain the compliments or praise of others. We must be watchful against this false humility, for it is rooted in pride. Humility is not just a word. It …

The Spiritual Meaning of the Cross

Let us examine the spiritual meaning of the Cross, and its importance and benediction in our lives. The Cross is every difficulty which we suffer in view of our love for God, or for our love for people, for the Kingdom of God in general. When we make the sign of the cross, we remember …

The Son’s Humility

The Son has invited us to learn humility from Him and said: “Learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart” (Matt. 11:29), and thus the most important thing that we learn from Him is humility. (1) The first thing we mention in His humility is His Incarnation In this, the Apostle Saint …

Who Is the Holy Spirit?

You should know who the Holy Spirit is, and what His work in you and for you is, in order to have a relationship with Him and know your need of Him. The Holy Spirit is the “Holy Spirit of God” (Eph. 4:30; 2 Cor. 3:3). He is the “Spirit of God” (Gen. 1: 2; …

The Holy Spirit in the Church of the Apostles

The descending of the Holy Spirit was the beginning of the work of the Christian Church. The Lord Jesus Christ started forming the Church when He chose the twelve apostles and sent them out (Matthew 10:1-16). He also appointed seventy others whom He also sent out (Luke 10:1-20), with separate groups of His beloved ones …