Category: Spiritual Articles

Everything for your Spirituality

God created everything for your spirituality… Heaven and Earth are not for your material benefit. They are also for your spiritual benefit, if you are able to extract the spiritual lessons they offer you. “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork.” (Ps 19:1) The Bible is not only for …


Everyone is busy with knowledge. Even youngsters want to know everything. Grownups too are overwhelmed with the desire of learning more… With regards to people, most importantly is the issue of what they actually want to know!? And do they get correct information, is it as well useful or harmful knowledge? The major source of …

The Power of Resurrection

The rising of Jesus Christ from the dead was the biggest event that shook the Jews, and they tried to fight it in all ways, to the extent that they said about resurrection that this last deception will be stronger than the first deception which is Christ’s Preaching. So what was the power of resurrection …