In our celebration of the Apostles’ Fast and the Apostles’ Feast, we find that our fathers the apostles were of so many types. Each of the apostles was of a type: Peter was different that Thomas and both were different from John the beloved. And in reality these types were not only different among the …
When He says His own who are in the world it is because He has His own in Heaven and not only in the world like angels and spirits of the virtuous. He loved His own who are in the world applies to both testaments the old and the new. Really, The earth is the …
I talked to you before about the phrase “Holy God”, and we talked about God’s Holiness. And today we continue our talk with this talk about God’s power as in the phrase “Holy Mighty”. And we rejoice in God’s power because His power is in our favour and not against us. There are strong people …
Lecture given by His Holiness during his pastoral visit to Birmingham in 2006. In the Book of the Levels of Virtues by St. John Climacus, there are 30 steps of which most are maybe about the monastic life… As for the spiritual life in general, there are a least three main steps and they are: …
Lecture given by His Holiness at Saint Pancras Church, London, on Saturday, 24th September 1994 I wish to thank you for inviting me to give a lecture in this holy church. I have been asked to speak about Christian Spirituality in a changing world. First we want to know what is spirituality and what is Christian …