When the devil throws us with his arrow and terrorizes us by his war, this is not only slander and anger against us, but also because he is an enemy of God, and is in violation with Him. And since the devil cannot harm God, so he avenges from His creatures by deceiving them, to …
Our whole life is full of trials, pain and temptations, for we are sojourners and strangers in the place of our exile, thus, it is not surprising if we are afflicted with many trials, and hardships in this valley of pain and misery. You see, my beloved, we are not safe from a trial before …
If you are hit by a calamity, or fell in a temptation, do not give in or let your heart be troubled, but endure it with patience and open mind. Do not let it overcome you, but strive and struggle to conquer it. Remember your Savior, He was tempted and went through many trials in …
Beware of little things, if you can, which appear to be simple and trivial things in its beginning. Be alert and in awe more than your caution of the big sins, for the little ones beget the big ones, as the fire starts with a spark, thus, man reaches perfection gradually, whether in natural or …
Do not be defeated or give in to a trial or temptation feeling that the enemy overpowered you, as long as you are with God, God will be with you for He subdued the power of the devil and conquered his authority. If the enemy appears to be a fierce lion and an offensive ‘hero’, …