Category: Spiritual Articles

Fiery Youth

“Fire has various characteristics: it can be a productive energy or it can be destructive enemy, the difference is control. Those of you who have seen various types of fire fighting would also know that there are two types of fire: a controlled burn and an outright blaze. A controlled burn is that which is …

The Need for Salvation

In order to attain salvation, we must understand our purpose and goal. Our ultimate aim is to arrive at where we, as Christians, are heading. So, where are we going? And why did we, as humanity, need salvation? Man is a complicated creature, having come through many complicated situations, and now we are in a …

My Redeemer Lives

Job says to us, “For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand on the earth.” (Job 19:25-27) Do we understand the meaning of this and the Resurrection? * Two thousand years worth of witness, testimony, miracles, life, messages. And until today, there are people who still doubt, who don’t really know. But …

The Wolves Within Us

As we struggle in our spiritual lives, we face “wolves” from the inside and outside who seek to devour us and hinder our spiritual growth. In this excellent article, His Grace Bishop Moussa explains how we can defeat the inner wolves through our Lord Jesus. Transcribed from a lecture given in a conference in 2002. …

The Guile of the Serpent

“Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Ephesians 6:11) When we speak about the wiles or temptations of the devil, we speak concerning three aspects or channels through which we are tempted: the flesh and its lusts (internal temptation) the world (external …