Category: Questions & Answers

What is the difference between the creation of the sun and light in Genesis? And was the light created on the first day or the fourth?

God created light on the first day as the Bible indicated. But, what light? It is the substance of light, the shining mass of fire from which God made the sun, the moon and the stars on the fourth day. On the fourth day also God established the astronomical laws and the permanent relation between …

How can the saying of the Bible that God created the world in six days coincide with the opinion of the geologists that the age of the earth is thousands even millions of years?

The days of creation are not Solar days as our days now. The day of creation is a period of time, not known how long, which could haven been a second or thousands or millions of years. This period was determined by the saying “so the evening and the morning were…” The evidences for this …

Why must we use the Agpeya in prayer? Can a person just use their own words if they feel that it helps them get closer to God, or would this be disobeying the Church? Also, as time goes by, are we supposed to be growing in how many psalms we recite from t

First, I would like to refer you to a well-written article on the Agpeya in the first issue of the Mighty Arrows (vol 1, no 1). After reading the article, let’s examine the work of prayer. A well practiced prayer pleases God a lot. St John Chrysostom says, “Prayer was described as incense because of …

Who is/are the author/s of the Agpeya? When and how was it written?

Praying the Agpeya prayers is a teaching received from the apostolic and patristic fathers. History tells us that during the time of Abba Pachomious, the fathers of the church met together to establish a daily worshipping system for all believers to pass on to the following generations. While they were trying to come to an …

What is the view on abortion and adoption of the Coptic Orthodox Church?

Abortion is not a solution approved of by the Church unless a mother is in medically serious danger. Adoption is a solution for a married couple who cannot have their own children. Adoption can also be a solution for a woman who may have been raped and thereby conceived as a result. If she cannot …