Category: Questions & Answers

Why do we kiss a priest’s hand?

His Grace Bishop Youssef: We kiss the hands of bishops and priests because in the context of the Divine Liturgy, …

Is it sinful for a female to kiss a male even if it feels good, satisfying and would be considered by me as a sign of affection and not sex?

His Grace Bishop Youssef:  If kissing did not feel good no one would have the desire to do it. Like …

Can a priest tell others about a sin I confessed?

His Grace Bishop Moussa: NEVER! I assure you that a priest is not allowed to tell your secrets to anyone …

What is the churches view on karate as a sport or hobby? Can I join a club that might even have an evil dragon sign knowing that I do not care about their philosophy/religion?

His Grace Bishop Youssef:  It is commendable that you are concerned about the choices you have before you. Prayer and …

What is the difference between love and lust?

His Grace Bishop Youssef: The Book of Esther reveals the two sides of one man who operated in lust at …