God created light on the first day as the Bible indicated. But, what light? It is the substance of light, the shining mass of fire from which God made the sun, the moon and the stars on the fourth day. On the fourth day also God established the astronomical laws and the permanent relation between …
The days of creation are not Solar days as our days now. The day of creation is a period of time, not known how long, which could haven been a second or thousands or millions of years. This period was determined by the saying “so the evening and the morning were…” The evidences for this …
Miriam, but not Aaron was struck with leprosy, because Miriam was the first to transgress (Num 12:1) God differentiates between those that mislead and those who are misled. Had Aaron been struck with leprosy, the priesthood itself would have fallen into contempt. Aaron would have been suspended from his duties. This would have rendered him …