Praying the Agpeya prayers is a teaching received from the apostolic and patristic fathers. History tells us that during the time of Abba Pachomious, the fathers of the church met together to establish a daily worshipping system for all believers to pass on to the following generations. While they were trying to come to an …
Abortion is not a solution approved of by the Church unless a mother is in medically serious danger. Adoption is a solution for a married couple who cannot have their own children. Adoption can also be a solution for a woman who may have been raped and thereby conceived as a result. If she cannot …
Miriam, but not Aaron was struck with leprosy, because Miriam was the first to transgress (Num 12:1) God differentiates between those that mislead and those who are misled. Had Aaron been struck with leprosy, the priesthood itself would have fallen into contempt. Aaron would have been suspended from his duties. This would have rendered him …
“A man after God’s own heart” was said about David the prophet. Let’s examine his attributes to know how he pleased God. David was a man of prayer “Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice.” (Ps 55:17) He loved to praise God “Seven times …
The only unforgivable sin is the perpetual refusal to repent. This is true for the believer, who has been baptized and confirmed in the Orthodox faith, but refuses to heed to the guidance of the Holy Spirit; and for him who refuses the Holy Spirit. Our Lord confirms this truth saying, “Assuredly, I say to …