Category: Resources

Is it okay to occasionally drink some alcoholic beverages at home and not before people?

His Grace Bishop Youssef: The Church does not openly say that drinking alcohol in itself is sinful but that the abuse of alcohol is. However the Church advocates complete abstinence from drinking because the possibility of abuse is usually very high. Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Let us ask ourselves: are …

What is Your Grace’s opinion concerning tattooing? Is it true that it is a sign of permanent enslavement (Exodus 21:5-6)? Why do we accept ear piercing?

His Grace Bishop Youssef: The Holy Bible mentions that ear piercing is a sign of a slave who has devoted himself permanently to his master. The question is: who is your master? St. Paul says, “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you” (1 …

Why are pre marital relationships unacceptable? Won’t they assist in helping to choose future partners?

His Grace Bishop Moussa: The definition of ‘pre-marital’ differs. Pre-marital sex differs from pre-marital group friendships, in a pure Christian atmosphere. Have as many male and female friends inside the church in a holy, pure way, and through this type of relationship, and through prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the guidance …

What is the difference between the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Coptic (Egyptian) Catholic Church?

His Grace Bishop Youssef: When Catholic missionaries came to Egypt with the claim to preach Christianity to non-Christians, they managed to convince some of the Coptic Orthodox Christians to leave their church and become Catholics. They approached them with the false pretence that they did not need to change anything in their faith or church …

Why do I have to confess to a priest? Isn’t it enough to confess directly to God?

His Grace Bishop Youssef: In the parable of the “Prodigal Son”, we learn a great deal about confession. The priest is your spiritual father to whom has been assigned the task of monitoring your spiritual growth. Confession to the spiritual father is evident; for once the son repented of his sin and returned to his …