Category: Resources

Levels in the Spiritual Life

Lecture given by His Holiness during his pastoral visit to Birmingham in 2006. In the Book of the Levels of Virtues by St. John Climacus, there are 30 steps of which most are maybe about the monastic life… As for the spiritual life in general, there are a least three main steps and they are: …

Christian Spirituality in a Changing World

Lecture given by His Holiness at Saint Pancras Church, London, on Saturday, 24th September 1994 I wish to thank you for inviting me to give a lecture in this holy church. I have been asked to speak about Christian Spirituality in a changing world. First we want to know what is spirituality and what is Christian …

Everything for your Spirituality

God created everything for your spirituality… Heaven and Earth are not for your material benefit. They are also for your spiritual benefit, if you are able to extract the spiritual lessons they offer you. “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork.” (Ps 19:1) The Bible is not only for …