“Anathema” is a Greek word that means “curse”, and it also means the “cutting off” or the excommunication from the church. As in the Anathemas that were written by St. Kyrollos (Cyril) the pillar of faith during the heresy of Nestor upon every one who would violate the canons of faith. St. Paul used it …
The word “Mar”, in Syrian and Aramaic means Master or Lord. The word ‘a’tha” means come. The whole word means “the Lord comes” or “the Lord will come”. It was an expression that Christians used to greet each other with during the apostolic age, comforting each other with the coming of the Lord. In other …
“Selah” is a word that is repeated in the Psalms 71 times. It means a musical stop to change the tune to another, for the psalms were sung associated with music at the time of David, Asaph and others. At a certain place of the song, a sign was given to stop to give a chance …
The Lord Christ on the cross was representing all mankind. He represented all humanity in paying the wages of sin to the Divine Justice… ” All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” (Is. 53:6). …
“Mammon of Unrighteousness” does not mean the illicit money that the person gains unjustly or through any other sin for that is unacceptable to God. For God and the church do not accept this money. The psalm said “The oil of the sinner will not anoint my head”, and in Deuteronomy “You shall not bring …