Category: Resources

What is the theological meaning of the words, “He ascended to heaven and sat on the right of the Father?” Does God have right and left as we humans have?

By Christ’s ascension to heaven is meant His ascension in the body, because the Godhead does not ascend or descend, for He is present in heaven and earth and in between filling all. What the disciples saw was the ascension in the body (Acts 1:9). As for sitting on the Father’s right, God has no …

Did the Lord Christ come for the Jews only, the lost sheep of the house of Israel? Can His religion be thus confined to the Jews, not extended to the whole world? And was Judaism also confined to Jews?

Religion leads people to God and teaches them about God, about His commandments, the way of worshipping Him and their relationship with Him. Therefore, any religion should be to the whole world because God is the God of all people and His way is for all people. This is applicable to both Christianity and Judaism. …

Does the Incarnation of the Lord mean that He is limited within certain boundaries though He is limitless?

Incarnation does not mean limitation, because God is not bounded within a certain place. When He was in the body in a certain place, He was in the Godhead everywhere. It is the same as we say that God was speaking with Moses on the Mountain but He was not only on the Mountain but …

Is there any similarity between the Holy Trinity of Christianity and the pagan trinity? Or what is the difference? And was the cause of spreading Christianity in Egypt the similarity between the Trinity of Christianity and the pagan trinity as manifested

If we say that the cause of spreading Christianity quickly in Egypt is the similarity between its dogmas and the dogmas of the pharaonic Egypt, what then is the cause of the spreading of Christianity in other countries of the world?  Was it also a matter of similarity of dogmas? And if there was similarity, …

If blessing belongs to God, can blessing be taken from a human? Can a person bless another person? What is the biblical evidence of this?

Yes, a blessing can be taken from a human and in this case it will be a blessing from God Himself. There are many examples for this in the Holy Bible such as: The blessing given by Isaac to Jacob. Isaac blessed his son Jacob (Gen 27) and Jacob became blessed from God and became …