Category: Resources

What is the rule of religion with respect to spiritualism? Can anyone call spirits, ask them and receive their answers and believe what they say?

The first point is: How far can a person call a spirit? This question entails two other questions: 1. Do humans have authority to move spirits as they wish from their place? 2. Do spirits have freedom to move at any call? We know that the spirits of the righteous go to Paradise as the …

Why did the Lord Christ call Himself the Son of Man? Is it a denial of His divinity? Why did He not say that He is the Son of God?

The Lord Christ called Himself the Son of God and He called Himself also the Son of Man. He called Himself the Son of God in His talk with the man born blind, so the man believed in Him and worshipped Him (John 9:35-38). Sometimes, He called Himself the Son in such a way that …

Did Christ pray before working the miracle so that God might do it and respond to His prayer?

If we examine the miracles worked by Christ, we shall find the opposite. He healed diseases just by a command from Him not by prayer. To the paralytic He said, “Arise, take up your bed and go to your house.” (Matt 9:6-8) and he arose and departed to his house. To the man at Bethesda …

Are the miracles of Christ merely an influence of impressiveness?

Impression is an influence on one’s heart and thoughts to be convinced of something, but: 1. Can there be any relation between impression and raising of the dead? A person may impress a living person and influence his heart and thoughts, but cannot have any influence on the dead whereas the Lord Christ raised the …

What is the meaning of the words “partakers of the divine nature” (2 Pet 1:4) and “the communion of the Holy Spirit” (2 Cor 13:14)? Do we partake of God’s divine nature? Did the human nature unite with the divine nature in the disciples when the Holy Spir

Who partakes of or unites with God in His nature, becomes God! This is against sound faith. Only those who believe in deifying man (in nature not mere title) say this and it is part of the heresy “unity of existence” by which man thinks of himself more highly than he ought to think (Rom …