Not every bad thought which goes round in your mind is to be considered a sin, for there is a difference between being under attack by thoughts and falling into sin through thoughts: Being under attack by thoughts is when a bad thought harasses you, but you do not give in to it, but rather …
Those addressing these questions concentrate on Christ’s divinity and forget His humanity! He is not only God, but He also took on Him a human nature like ours; a complete human nature. Hence it is written that He shared with us everything except sin (Heb 2:17) and unless He had taken our nature, He would …
The Holy Bible says, “Without shedding of blood there is no remission.” (Heb 9:22). So, the sins of the paralytic and the sinful woman were only forgiven on the cross, not in the same moment and likewise every forgiveness granted before the crucifixion. It is only a promise of forgiveness, not attainment of forgiveness. The …
The church may not pray for a person who died in sin without having repented and if they prayed for him wrongly he will not benefit from the prayer. We know that the wages of sin is death as the Holy Bible says (Rom 6:23). So, if the sinner does not repent for his sin …
The devil cannot be saved. There are even explicit texts in the Holy Bible supporting our view. One of the most important of these is in the Revelation, “And the devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be …