Category: Resources

What did the Lord mean in the gospel by His words: “Love your enemies?. ” (Matt. 5:44). How can that be done?

Loving one’s friend is something ordinary and found even among pagans and unbelievers. Loving one’s enemy however is the highest and noblest moral virtue which the Lord desires of us. He wants us to hate evil, but not those who do it. We are to hate the sin, but not the sinner. Sinners are only …

How can I resist thoughts which from time to time weigh heavily upon me and which try to force me to surrender to them?

Occupy your leisure with some other stronger thought to take the place of such thoughts… Do not wait until such thoughts have completely worn you out, before trying to resist them, for it is better – if you are able – not to give them any opportunity at all to reach you in the first …

What do you think of hymns being set to popular tunes?

Those who set the words of hymns to popular tunes are only concerning themselves with the abstract idea of setting words to music, while ignoring the effect of the music on the soul. Music can plant certain feelings in the soul. A piece of instrumental music, i.e. one without words, is able to make a …

Is social service the work of the Church or that of other institutions?

The Lord Jesus Christ was active in both these areas alike. He was concerned with the spirit and with the body as well. The Bible says: ” Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the …

If circumstances hinder me from my actually committing a sin (which I had been intending to commit), can it still be counted against me as a sin, even though I have not done it?

You might imagine, my friend, that the only form of sin is the sinful act! In fact the action is only the final stage of the sin, for sin begins first in the heart, with the love of evil and the heart’s responding to it, then it enters into the stage of being carried out. …