Category: Resources

Who is Kedar? Kedar is mentioned in (Ps. 120:5) and (Song. 1:5).

Kedar is the second son of Ishmael, the son of Hagar (Gen. 25:13). The area where he lived was called …

What does Anathema mean? It is mentioned in (Gal. 1:8-9) and (1 Cor. 16:22).

“Anathema” is a Greek word that means “curse”, and it also means the “cutting off” or the excommunication from the …

What does Maran-a’tha mean? It is mentioned in (1 Cor. 16:22).

The word “Mar”, in Syrian and Aramaic means Master or Lord. The word ‘a’tha” means come. The whole word means …

What does “Selah” mean? It is mentioned quite often in the psalms, as in Psalms 46 to 50.

“Selah” is a word that is repeated in the Psalms 71 times. It means a musical stop to change the …

Why did our Lord Jesus Christ say on the cross “Father, forgive them… ” (Luke 23:34) and did not say by His own authority “your sins are forgiven…”

The Lord Christ on the cross was representing all mankind. He represented all humanity in paying the wages of sin …