Category: Resources

Is it better for us to correct people in public or in private if they have fallen into a doctrinal or theological error? And similarly, is it better for a punishment to be carried out in private or in public if someone has done something that requires pun

The sin that is done in public, punish in public. And the theological error which is broadcast openly in public, should be publicly refuted. And conversely, those mistakes which are made in private, or theological errors which a person might fall into without anyone else knowing about it, can all be dealt with or punished …

Which is better: to act swiftly, which indicates resolution, decisiveness, and the ability to make a decision, or to take one’s time and deliberate calmly, with all that this conveys in the way of composure, stability and patience?

There are cases when it is right and necessary to act swiftly, and others, calling for deliberation and patience, where to act quickly would be harmful… Take punishment, for example: when this is carried out too quickly, no scope is provided for investigation, for justice, or for close examination, or for finding out the extent …

How can I deal with problems?

Every human being in the world faces problems in his life. The way in which people deal with such problems, react to them, or let themselves be affected by them, varies. This depends on the personality and the mental attitude of each individual, and also on his experience… There are some types of people who …

St. Paul said: “To the Jews I became like a Jew… to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law; to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ)

The apostle was talking about preaching and seeing that the message of the gospel was conveyed. He is saying: the Jew believes in the Law and the Prophets. In order to convince him of the message of Christ, I speak to him as a Jew, about the Law and the Prophets, and any matters contained …

Some people say that there shouldn’t be any punishment in Christianity, in view of the fact that we are now living in the age of grace, and that if punishment does exist, it will be in heaven, and not on earth. Is this true?. Is punishment incompatible wi

Divine grace cannot be in conflict with divine justice. God’s grace is not at the expense of His justice, nor is it diminished by it! We should not just imagine God as being loving in the New Testament, and vengeful in the Old. God is the same yesterday, today and for ever… He was loving …