Category: Resources

Fasting and Repentance

Those who fast and receive no benefit from it must have fasted in a wrong way; in this case, what is to blame is not fasting itself, but the method followed. Fasting is a period of concentrated spiritual activity, a period of loving God and adhering to Him. As a result of this love, one …

Envy of the Devil

In the Holy Mass, we say in the Prayer of Reconciliation “You destroyed the death which was introduced into the world by the envy of the devil.”  We see that Satan envies every good and successful deed, because goodness and success are against his diabolic plan to resist the Kingdom of God on earth… either …

“Do not worry about tomorrow” (Matthew 6:34)

These words are repeated thrice in one paragraph of the Sermon on the Mount in (Mt 6: 25- 34).The Lord says, “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on …” “Do not worry about tomorrow …” “Do not worry …

Do Not Postpone

If the grace of God worked in your heart and you felt a strong desire to repent, do not hesitate not even for a few minutes…  You do not know, perhaps the motive might cease as well as the outside effect, then the desire to repent goes away and when you try to look for …

Do Not Despair

However weak your spiritual life may be, do not despair; for desperation is one of Satan’s wars by which he wants to weaken your morals and stop your resistance, to fall in his hands.  Even though you despair of yourself, never despair of the grace of God. If your deeds do not lead you to …