Category: Resources

Your Spirituality During the Holy Fifty Days

Truly, the Holy Fifty Days (El-Khamasin) are days of joy, no fasting and no prostration, even on Wednesdays and Fridays… But we can also be spiritual during joy… Otherwise, how are you going to be spiritual in paradise, and the Kingdom of Heaven, where there is eternal joy?!… What you miss of fasting and prostration could …

Five Ways of Repentance

Let me describe to you five ways of repentance; each is different, but all point toward heaven. (1) Acknowledgement of Sins The first road is the acknowledgment of sins.  If you acknowledge your sins to God, He will forgive you; and this act of acknowledgment will help you stop sinning.  Let your conscience be your …

The Nurse of Hope: Patience in Tribulations

The blessed prophet David shows that those who put their trust in God were most courageous when he says, “Act like men and let your hearts be strong, all you who hope in the Lord” (Ps. 31:24, LXX). For those plants which are in pleasure gardens both increase, bloom, and are raised to a great …

Why God Permits Temptations

By the love which the saints show for God on account of the things they suffer for His name’s sake (when they endure straitness and do not forsake that which God loves), their hearts acquire the boldness to gaze toward Him without a veil and to beseech Him with confidence. Great is the power of …

The Work of the Holy Spirit in Your Life

YOU ARE GOD’S BEAUTIFUL WORLD! From time to time a person feels that his life is empty and meaningless, similar to the rugged land “without form,” void of splendor and beauty, a useless life, surrounded by “darkness” (Gen. 1:2). Or like a debased life which deserves to fall under God’s wrath, such as in the …