One of the differences between Orthodoxy and Protestantism is the Orthodox’s wonderful veneration of the cross. Our brethren the Protestants do not sign themselves with the sign of the cross before or after prayer, and say: “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” They do not sign food with the sign …
The Church celebrates the feast of the Cross on the 17th of Tout, (27th or 28th of September), the day of the apparition of the Cross to the Emperor Constantine, and on the 10th of Baramhat (19th of March), the day when the Empress Helen found the wood of the Holy Cross. We want to speak about …
One of the Sundays of the Great Lent is The Samaritan Woman Sunday, which tells us one of the stories of salvation… The Stories of Salvation: Stories of Salvation are of different kinds: one of which is when the sinner comes to the Lord, as in the Parable of the lost son, who came home …
Truly, the Holy Fifty Days (El-Khamasin) are days of joy, no fasting and no prostration, even on Wednesdays and Fridays… But we can also be spiritual during joy… Otherwise, how are you going to be spiritual in paradise, and the Kingdom of Heaven, where there is eternal joy?!… What you miss of fasting and prostration could …