It was His love for us that made Him incarnate, take our nature and bless this nature in Him. On our behalf, He obeyed the Law and pleased God the Father by presenting a God-fearing image of humanity. Due to His love, He died for us, “The just for the unjust” (1 Pet. 3:18). – H.H. …
“Lord, overshadow Your holy church which has been redeemed by Your Blood, cause to dwell in it Your true peace which You gave to Your holy apostles; bind her children in holy bonds of indissoluble love; may the rebel not have power over her, and keep far from her persecution, tumult, and wars, both from …
Why are we living? Why are we breathing? What would it be for us, if we fail to behold our Lord? If those who cannot see the light of the sun count life as being worse than death, so what would it be for those who are deprived of beholding the light of the Lord? …